Post Conference Activity
Fei Yue is pleased to announce that Youth Work Association Singapore (YWAS) will be organising a 3-day agency visit to 6 youth organisations, which aims at deepening participants' understanding of youth work in Singapore. This exclusive opportunity is available to all overseas attendees at no extra cost. For further details, please see
To register, kindly email us at [email protected].

Terms and Conditions:
  • Registration is on a first-come-first-served-basis.
  • All registrations are to be made online. After registration, participants should receive an auto-generated registration confirmation via email.
  • Participants will need to present their confirmation email at the registration booth in order to receive their conference tag. Only participants with conference tags can attend the conference.
  • There will be no refund for cancellations.
  • FYCS and YWAS retain the right to publish or use, for any deemed appropriate purpose, all images taken by the official photographer(s) during the event.
  • FYCS and YWAS reserve the right to cancel the event, or make changes to the schedule, venue, platform and speakers without advance notice.
Contact Us
For all matters relating to Youth Outreach Conference 2024, please contact us at [email protected].